California Ballot Initiatives, 2022
Proposition 1
I know we're mad about the end of Roe,
But things won't really change if Yes beats No.
Because if future voters aren't so feeling,
There's nothing that would stop them from repealing.
Proposition 26
I just don't think that it's that much a vice
If people bet on sports, roulette, or dice.
Proposition 27
I think that it would probably be fine
If we allowed for gambling online.
But letting corpos write the regulations
Themselves is worse than normal legislation.
Propositions 28 and 30
Although I care about the arts and nature,
I wish that we could use the legislature.
Since we don't need to change the constitution,
I'm not convinced that props are the solution.
Because there have been problems accidental
When we don't trust the folks in Sacramento.
But if these propositions don't get through,
I fear they'll think that we don't want them to.
Proposition 29
It's back again, and causing déjà vu,
And helping patients's not what this would do.
Some workers would enrich themselves instead
By making bureaucratic overhead.
Proposition 31
I know some people would become upset
If flavored smokes were something they can't get.
But still I think that it would be quite smart
To help some folks to quit or never start.